Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Gay Marriage What Ever Happened To Equal Rights Essay...
President Obama became the first U.S president to declare his support for gay marriage. On May 9,2012 President Obama believed that same sex couples should have the opportunity for marriage. Obama repealed the Defense of Marriage Act which stopped defending the DOMA, the federal law that defines marriage as a man and a woman. I strongly encourage that gay marriage should be allowed because same-sex couples deserve to have access to the same benefits enjoyed by heterosexual couples, gay marriage would make it easier for same sex couples to adopt children, and the concept of traditional marriage of a man and woman are inaccurate. To begin with, same sex couples should have access to the same benefits enjoyed by heterosexual couples. A reason†¦show more content†¦It is clear that same sex couples can fully grant the same contributions just as heterosexual couples. Although gay marriage isn’t approved by many citizens, they have to consider the fact that these individuals are just human beings who yearn for love as well. According to, Bruce Peterson, the institution of marriage has traditionally been between a man and a woman. Also, with the marriage of a man and a woman, it will involve the procreation and rearing of children within a family. Despite the fact that same sex love may appear out of the norm, our world has tremendously evolved into a new era where many new beliefs exist. The â€Å"traditional marriage†from back then, does not accurately apply to today’s changes and others have to accept it whether they like or not. In addition, modern and ancient times of family arra ngements based on polygamy, communal child rearing, the use of concubines and mistress, heterosexual monogamy can be considered as unnatural in evolutionary terms (Douthat). This meant that back in the old days a man or woman could obtain multiple spouses at the same time. Love is love and it should be given to everyone. The government should not have to right to interfere with personal issues that involves one’s belief. Every human being is capable of having their own set of values that should never be taken away stated in the Constitution. To conclude, I thoroughly support gay marriageShow MoreRelatedGay Marriage Should Be Legal1351 Words  | 6 Pagesthing happened for United States, gay marriage became legal in all 50 states. In most states it already was but the remaining 13 became legal this year. There are many concerns regarding gay marriage, and the effects of them involve many legislative, cultural, religious and family issues. Gay marriage is controversial beca use a lot of people do not approve of it, they think it is immoral, unnatural, and not what the traditional concept of â€Å"marriage†really means. 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