Thursday, September 3, 2020
Critique on Happiness and Analysis Essay
In Karl Giberson’s article â€Å"The Ends of Happiness†(2006), from the Science and Spirit magazine, he raises the subject of bliss, where he asserts that individuals are currently seeking after the way to joy as a conclusion to itself and have overlooked the main issue of life. In spite of the fact that Giberson(2006) has made some legitimate contentions in asserting that individuals seek after riches as a way to joy, his contentions are to a great extent sabotaged because of an absence of solid confirmations. Giberson’s (2006) claims are not unwarranted, as individuals will in general set their objectives on material achievement. For them, fiscal achievement is their meaning of satisfaction. This thought is outlined by the announcement â€Å"The implies have become an end for a large number of us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (para. 11). He proceeds to state that numerous others â€Å"can’t look for bliss directly†(para. 7). His considerations adjust well to society’s broadly acknowledged view that â€Å"without loved ones it is elusive bliss, for these are basic accomplices in living and doing well†(para. 9). Thusly, Giberson (2006) suggests that satisfaction originates from the different encounters and excursions which we experience throughout everyday life, for example, quality time went through with individuals around us. Be that as it may, Giberson (2006) causes an ineffective endeavor in convincing his perusers to embrace his convictions by only referencing To aristotle’s theory of â€Å"living great and doing well†(para. 8). All through the article, Giberson (2006) continually alludes to his own conclusions and encounters. For instance, he thinks back that â€Å"in pondering the collected recollections of glad occasions †¦ [he finds himself] concurring with Aristotle†(para. 12). From there on, he makes reference to that he â€Å"coached [his] children’s sports groups †¦ and lov(ed) it†(para. 13). This shows his perspectives are extraordinarily affected by feelings instead of realities. In spite of the fact that the utilization of tales flashes intrigue and connects with his perusers adequately, his over the top use of this correspondence strategy causes his contentions to appear to be unsupported and feeble. Because of his substantial dependence on his own assessments, it has prompted a hurried speculation in his contention as observed through his case that â€Å"America †¦ isn't a country seeking after happiness†(para. 11). Because of an absence of master assessment and factual information, his case stays unpersuasive and has little validity. Subsequently, Giberson’s(2006) article needs solid help and neglects to make a convincing contention. In spite of the fact that Giberson (2006) gives a valid statement of view on how individuals are getting excessively centered around riches in the quest for joy, he offers clearing expressions that needs believability. He can give an increasingly solid contention by utilizing a more extensive scope of dependable sources. This will significantly fortify Giberson’s (2006) contention and loan believability to his case. It would help significantly on the off chance that he had supporting assessments of other scholastic journalists who follow his line of reasoning. Generally, his article did to be sure set up his proposal that individuals are seeking after the way to satisfaction as a conclusion to itself, yet had tragically neglected to compellingly convince his crowd. Reference: Giberson, K. (2006, March/April). The Ends of Happiness. Recovered on 21 Jan 2013 from
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Morality of Homosexuality According to Rachels Free Essays
The morals and ethical quality of homosexuality and gay acts have been discussed and addressed by numerous gatherings of individuals utilizing a few good ways to deal with contend their point. It appears that the gathering of individuals who are most against homosexuality are strict gatherings, explicitly Christians. Homosexuality anyway isn't ethically off-base and numerous contentions will be introduced to disprove the cases by the individuals who do accept that homosexuality is unscrupulous and ethically off-base. We will compose a custom paper test on Ethical quality of Homosexuality According to Rachels or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now The methodologies that is utilized the most to contend that homosexuality and the demonstrations that are included are ethically off-base which is utilized most by Christians is the Theory of Natural Law. Presently there are three primary concerns to this hypothesis and the principal point is that it is accepted that â€Å"everything in nature has a purpose†(Rachels, 2012). Aristotle, who is very notable and regarded expressed that if everybody accepts that nature makes objects for a particular reason, and this accept is right, at that point, nature makes things for man. Christians accept that God made things in nature for a particular arrangement thus on the off chance that that particular arrangement can not be done, at that point it ought not be done and along these lines is ethically off-base. To associate this piece of the Theory of Natural Law to contemplations about homosexuality, one of the principle contentions against gay acts is that it is â€Å"unnatural. †Christians accept the demonstration of gay sex is unethical in light of the fact that it doesn't end in the creation of life, which as per them are the fundamental reasons for sex, to make life. This contention is effectively disproved in any case. When utilizing the transformative feeling of the term â€Å"unnatural,†which is the way most Christians use it in their contentions, they imply that homosexuality is ethically off-base since it includes the unnatural utilization of body parts. It is accepted by a few, that since God had made private parts and the demonstration of sex for reproduction, and gay sex can not end in multiplication, that those people taking part in those demonstrations are utilizing their body parts for something it they were not expected for. Along these lines, what they are doing isn't right. Nonetheless, there are numerous couples that are sterile, who will never have the chance to reproduce, but then as long as the sex is hetero, Christians don't denounce them. The Roman Catholic church who doesn't concur with the utilization of anti-conception medication, despite everything permits couples to engage in sexual relations on the off chance that they are fruitless or during pregnancy (Mappes, Zembaty DeGrazia, 2012). Consequently the Catholic church can guarantee that if the body parts are not being utilized with the end goal of reproduction then it is unnatural and indecent else they would negate their own practices. Furthermore, as called attention to in the book by Mappes, Zembaty DeGrazia (2012), we have numerous reasons for our organs and body parts. Because we utilize our mouths to breath, devour supplements and convey, yet additionally to bite gum and lick stamps, doesn't imply that those demonstrations are improper. Despite the fact that our moths were not initially planned to bite gum or lick stamps, doesn't imply that those demonstrations are unscrupulous. Furthermore, it is additionally perceived by Christians that a second motivation behind hetero sex is to bond and associate with your accomplice and to communicate love. Gay people utilize their private parts during sexual represents those equivalent reasons too. In this way, it stands to show that Homosexuality and Homosexual sex are not improper and deceptive due to the â€Å"unnatural†utilization of their sex organs. A second part to the Theory of Natural Law is the conviction that everything unnatural are awful and that what is and what should be ought to be the equivalent or, more than likely it is ethically off-base. The model that Rachels (2012) gives is that Beneficence is ethically right. That we ought to consistently act to the greatest advantage of others since we give it a second thought. In the event that we couldn't care less and in this manner are not working to the greatest advantage of others, at that point were are not being advantageous and that is ethically off-base. The individuals who couldn't care less and don't rehearse usefulness are regularly viewed as off-base. For instance, these such people might be determined to have a psychological instability called withdrawn character issue on the grounds that the individuals who couldn't care less, couldn’t perhaps be well. It is accepted that these people perspectives aren't right and along these lines ought to be fixed. Along these lines, since society accepts that individuals should be helpful and thusly in the event that they are not, at that point their activities are ethically off-base. Rachels (2012) at that point brings up that sex produces babies, that is actuality. In any case, does it at that point follow that sex should produces babies? Not really. The individuals who have hereditary transformations that could deliver posterity with those equivalent hereditary changes or illnesses could be said should not to have babies since it would propagate torment and languishing. Would it be a good idea for it to follow then those people should not to have intercourse by any stretch of the imagination? It isn't viewed as ethically wrong for those with hereditary ailment to engage in sexual relations, yet it possibly thought to be ethically off-base for them to deliver a kid. Along these lines, what is and what should be are extraordinary. With respect to Homosexuality, some accept that those people should not to engage in sexual relations since it's anything but an intrinsic want and along these lines is unnatural. Also, as expressed before that in which is unnatural should not to happen as indicated by the Theory of Natural Law. It is contended that References Rachels, J. , Rachels, S. (2012). The components of good way of thinking. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Mappes, T. A. , Zembaty, J. S. , DeGrazia, D. (2012). Social Ethics: Morality and Social Policy. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. The most effective method to refer to Morality of Homosexuality According to Rachels, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Scott Russell Sanders Stand on Mobilization Free Essays
Scott Russell Sanders, creator of Staying Put: Making a Home in a Restless World, accepts that occupying places for all time benefits our general public and network all in all. Because of Salman Rushdie’s article about the upside of moving, Sanders utilizes recorded reference, and mockery to build up his point of view about moving. Initially, not exclusively does Sanders incorporates chronicled reference into his composition to give the peruser foundation, yet in addition to show instances of times in history when moving declined an area. We will compose a custom article test on Scott Russell Sanders Stand on Mobilization or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now He additionally incorporates the Spanish, New World, and American history to show that moving didn't just decimate one explicit spot, yet all. Asserting that â€Å"The Spaniards crushed Central and South America by forcing on this new universe of the old,†Sanders talks his assessment on nomadism utilizing authentic foundation. Upset by the mass number of individuals who move, Sanders contends that one not just damages their self by moving, yet in addition agitates the setting and condition around them.Including â€Å"The Dust Bowl of the 1930’s,†in his article, â€Å"which was caused not by dry spell however by the exchange into the Great Plains,†Sanders utilizes explicit dates to additionally bolster his sentiment. This likewise legitimizes his point by demonstrating that in light of the fact that the individuals chose to move, they brought calamity upon themselves. This technique of joining verifiable reference into the article furnishes the peruser with confirmation and backing on Sander’s assessment of relocation. Scott Sanders likewise consolidates another system into his composition to help build up his view on relocation: Sarcasm.Ashamed by American’s want to move, Sanders calls them â€Å"The country of eager movers,†taunting that â€Å"Sailors, wayfare rs, cowboys†¦,†all voyagers portrayed their first saints. Besides, however individuals perpetually move here and there, their â€Å"Promised Land†has â€Å"never been under our feet. †Also present in his composition, the possibility that Americans move for the scarcest reasons, for example, â€Å"smoke from our neighbor’s chimney†¦ the sky,†keeps on despising movers and their thoughtless fluctuation.Clearly one can see the harsh mockery in Sanders tone in the start of his article that communicates his hatred towards relocation. In addition, by consolidating verifiable foundation, mockery, and juxtaposition in his composition, Scott Sanders introduced his negative conclusion on movement. In spite of the fact that unpleasant at the outset, Sanders changes his tone by proposing the two sides of the contention utilizing juxtaposition. These methodologies viably helped Sanders show the peruser his perspective on relocation in light of Salman Rushdie’s see. Step by step instructions to refer to Scott Russell Sanders Stand on Mobilization, Papers
Early Western Civilization (4000-1000 B.C.E.) History Research Paper
Early Western Civilization (4000-1000 B.C.E.) History - Research Paper Example 2008). The peaceful people groups of these social orders assumed a noteworthy job in the history. It was the beginning of development of new states in the third and second centuries BCE. Eurasia was mobilized, and significant patterns were found in Eurasia and Africa. Everything started when water system was begun the floodplain of Mesopotamia in Southwest Asia, which started a radically novel preliminary in human association on earth. Despite the fact that the valleys of the lower Tigris and Euphrates were rainless, yet they had a plentiful gracefully of water because of which these regions could give land to immense centralizations of populace, and could bolster higher social thickness than any slope nation. 4000 BCE was trailed by the rise of enormous walled urban communities along the two waterways. This paper subtleties the sequential arrangement of improvements in the western world history from 4000 to 1000 BCE. Spielvogel (2011, xxix) writes in his book that, â€Å"Although e arly human advancements rose in various pieces of the world, the establishments of Western progress were laid by the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians.†i These were the individuals who battled with the recently developing issues of the new states and networks in 3000 BCE (Noble 2008, 14). This period saw the rise of major edified social orders. The presence of four incredible floodplain human advancements was critical. First was in Mesopotamia, which was trailed by a second one in the Nile valley, and the third one showed up in the Indus valley in 2500 BCE. These developments had an extraordinary effect upon one another through intercommunication, farming and exchange. At that point, the fourth human advancement showed up in the Yellow River valley of northwestern China. Horticulture continued spreading, and urban focuses developed on the downpour watered grounds of Syria and the island of Crete. At the point when horticulture and exchange was stretched out on enormous territori es, new convoluted social orders emerged in the Aegean Sea Basin and Western Europe. It was the time when the greater part of the number of inhabitants on the planet lived in little cultivating zones, with the fundamental control of chasing and rummaging. This populace needed to make a ton of battle to adjust to the changing universe of new civic establishments. New social conditions requested a ton of exertion on their part. This was additionally the time of pastoralism-the development of peaceful people groups (Embree and Gluck 1997, 916). Bigger people group that developed in Eurasia and Africa benefited from creatures, which were the fundamental wellspring of food in those territories. The peaceful people groups began relocating from the steppes of Central Asia in the second thousand years BCE, and this achieved a significant change in the west including Europe, and the Mediterranean bowl to India. Spielvogel (2011) composes that these individuals created composing and made writ ing that tells about the way of life and cultural estimations of their period. They likewise built stupendous design which represented their capacity and culture. It was the period of militarization of certain social orders and presence of new realms, where the primary language had a place with the Indo-European family. This period likewise observed the absolute most major innovations, disclosures and organizations of the world, which additionally shaped the premise of resulting networks and developments. 4000 BCE is additionally acclaimed for its extraordinary flood stories whose archeological proof has been found in 1929, which demonstrated that there was an incredible flood at Ur close to the Persian Gulf in the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. These floods were considered as disciplines from God, since they were additionally discussed in the Epic of
Friday, August 21, 2020
Case Analysis of the Company
Question: Examine about the Case Analysis of the Company. Answer: Presentation FMG is the third biggest exporter of iron mineral in Australia. The organization was established in the year 2003. It has a market estimation of 300 million Australian Dollars since its foundation. The organization has been developing at a shocking rate and has built up a generally excellent notoriety in the market. The Iron mineral of the organization are essentially sent out in china. The organization has been making arrangements to grow its activities in Brazil which is a nation wealthy in mines with the goal that it can expand its yield. The primary commitment of the organization is in the investigation and the improvement of the mining. The report contains the Macro ecological investigation and the business examination of the organization that incorporates the PESTLE investigation, SWOT investigation , contender examination and Porters Five powers examination of the organization. Doormen Five Forces Model There are five powers that are broke down in the Porters Five Forces Model. The components that are broke down under this model are: Dealing intensity of Buyers Dealing Power of Suppliers Danger of new participants Danger of substitutes Contention among contenders Dealing intensity of Buyers: (Low) The dealing intensity of the purchasers in the organization is low. The purchaser of the organization items incorporates steel organizations as the 98% of the iron of the world is utilized for the creation of steel. There are enormous number of steel organizations that are working more than 65 nations and the providers of the iron metal is less so the purchasers dealing power is low. The makers of the iron mineral are little. The organization was the universes tenth biggest maker of the iron metal in the year 2013. While the nations like Brazil and Australia are the main two exporters of iron metal and they secured 70.3% of the absolute fare of the world. The makers of Iron metal are little in number and the steel organizations are divided while the iron metal organizations are concentrated. Bartering intensity of providers: (High) The bartering intensity of the providers is high on account of the FMG Company. The principle purpose behind the high haggling intensity of the providers is the intercession of the legislature. The organization can't work without the help of the administration. The interest of the iron mineral is expanding in the different nations because of which the providers have a decent hold in the market and they have a high haggling power in the market. Danger of substitute items: (Low) The iron metal is a basic crude material in the creation of the steel and there is no other substitute of the iron metal in the creation of the steel. Because of which the danger of the substitutes turns out to be low in the market. Risk of new contestants: (Low) Despite the fact that the danger of the new contestants is very low in the business yet it has an expanding pattern. There are numerous severe boundaries and limitations for the new organization to begin its activities in the effectively settled industry. This naturally prompts less danger of new participants. Additionally the prerequisite of the venture and the capital is likewise huge in the iy high in ton metal industry is high because of which it turns out to be hard for the new organizations to begin their tasks in the market. Competition among existing firms: (High) The Rivalry among the current firms is high as there is a profoundly serious condition and there are numerous contenders who are giving intense rivalry to the organization. The degree of the fixation is high in the business. There are enormous quantities of rivals in the market that are giving comparable items requiring little to no effort for the creation of the steel. PESTLE investigation The PESTLE investigation examines the Political. Financial, Social, Technological. Lawful and Environmental variables that influences the organization. Political Factors There are different political elements that influence the organization. A portion of the components because of which the organization is influenced are: There are numerous adjustments in the arrangements of the legislature occasionally that makes it hard for the organization to grow its activities in the different new nations. The world of politics of the Brazil has changed as there was a difference in the administration that can influence the organization as the organization was intending to extend its tasks in the Brazil. the administration of the Brazil Is particularly steady with the progression of time that empowers the organization for increasingly remote speculation. The organization has manufactured sound outer condition as far as the working conditions in the remote nation in the outside nation. Financial Factors The different financial elements that influence the dealing with an association include: Loan fees The loan fees of the banks continue changing as the time passes. There are numerous banks that continue expanding the loan fees. This expanding loan fee influences the ventures of the organization. Expansion rates The expansion rates additionally continue expanding in the different organizations because of which the cash of the organization acknowledges and that at the same time hits the steady economy of the nation. Cash trade rates The pace of the cash doesn't stay stable and continues expanding with the spending year. These increments in the cash trade rates influence the fares of the business.(Bradely, 2015) Economy patterns The mindfulness for ensuring the vitality and the characteristic assets is expanding because of which there is a major danger on the organizations like the Fortescue metals bunch constrained. Social elements There are different social factors that influence the organizations who are intending to grow their activities in different nations as the social and the general public of each nation is unique. The organizations like the Fortescue Metals Group need to adjust to the corporate procedures so it suit the workplace of the organization wherein the organization is operating.(Smith, 2015) Mechanical Factors The different mechanical elements like the framework and the correspondence systems influence the improvement of the organization. There are hardly any nations which are not grown appropriately and have moderate improvement ports alongside that they have lacking framework. As innovation is viewed as the foundation of the activities of the organization it is significant for an organization like the Fortes prompt to be mechanically advanced.(Rigour., 2015) Lawful Factors There are different lawful components that influence the organization that is growing in universal markets or in different nations. The elements that influence the organization legitimately incorporate Labor laws, business laws, Taxation laws.(BAC Reports, 2015) The standards and guidelines of the different nations are distinctive because of which the remote direct speculation of the organization is influenced. SWOT examination The different qualities of the organization are: Solid market occupation Concentrating on mineral investigation Extension of piece of the overall industry Propelled misuse innovations High assembling productivity The different shortcomings of the organization are: Decline in the iron mines all inclusive Unpracticed activities in the nations like Brazil Money related emergencies The different chances of the organization are: Financial development Political soundness Great remote direct venture Wealthy in vitality assets The different dangers that are being looked by the organization are: Worldwide financial downturn Hazard in the conversion standard Increment in the expense of work Abatement in the interest of steel Poor vehicle offices Business Level methodology of the organization The business methodologies are the choices that are made by the organization for keeping up and making the upper hand. Under the business level techniques the organization assesses the product offering and the objective market for the distinguishing proof of the upper hand. The organization has different business level systems that it is wanting to actualize for a decent yield age. A portion of the business level systems of the organization include: Growing creation limit: The Company has wanted to extend its creation limit with the goal that the expanding request of the iron mineral can be met. For expanding its creation limit the organization has wanted to build its zones of operation.(Capital 3D square, 2016) Upgrading a viable organization administration The organization has upgraded the administration of the organization for the viable tasks of the company.(FMG, 2015) Corporate level methodology The methodologies that are recognized by the organization outside its industry. The organization needs to utilize different systems for contributing towards the proficiency and gainfulness of the organization. The different corporate level systems of the organization include: Enhancement: one of the corporate level choice of the organization is climate to expand the product offering or not. The organization designs that the items and administrations it is contributions will offer worthwhile returns and there will not be significant expenses for the passage of the new items. Worth making methodology: The Company will attempt to execute the systems that help in making the estimations of the items and administrations. Every one of these procedures help in adding genuine qualities to the business and its items and administrations. The key thought for esteem making techniques is diversification.(Nguyen, 2014) Worth impartial technique: When the organization isn't highly worried about allotting the assets and the labor in its business then the organization can go for the worth nonpartisan system. The worth impartial methodology helps in shoring the plans of the business activities. The organization can get ready for making collaboration between the different divisions, making sure about a consistent income and taking a shot at the decrease of hazard. The organization utilizes the technique of adaptable obligation structure and it has different designs for the development of framework offices and the ports. The organization is making various game plans for getting new innovation and inventive gear for reinforcing its tasks. Contender ana
Sunday, August 2, 2020
What did YOU do this weekend
What did YOU do this weekend I dont know about you, but I had a pretty awesome weekend. First of all, I checked my exam grade for 18.01 on-line. Then I started running around the room and up and down the stairs to tell Becky and Sam. Whys that? Because I got the highest test grade Ive gotten at MIT by about 16 points. Ninety-six. Thats right. =) See, Im improving! In fact, Im doing better in 3.091 too! Sort of. Just remember, its all about the zoom-out effect. 3.091 Test #1: You think you got but then you zoom out. 3.091 Test #2: You think you got. but then you zoom out Friday night Sam and Becky and I walked into Boston to have a wonderful end-of-week meal at the appropriately named TGIFridays. Fridays is just about my favorite restaurant of ALL TIME, so I was pretty psyched about that. I got the sizzling chicken and cheese, like I do every time. Why? Because it comes with a side of mashed potatoes. You just cant argue with that. Despite being my favorite eating establishment ever, Becky did find a random piece of metal in her foodyikes. But Beckys chill and didnt care anyway, plus she got a free meal out of the deal! And free dessert. Which she didnt really want so Sam and I just ate most of it for her. We hurried back from dinner in order to make it to SaveTFPs weekly Friday night event. This past Friday was hosted by Laura Stuart, who, aside from having a great name, works for MITMedical and is most well-known around campus for being the go-to-woman for questions regarding sexual health. Friday night she gave a presentation about sex toys. No joke. She brought in examples and everything. Ill be tasteful and not go into too much detail, but while were on the subject Id like to bring up the point that MIT is super-open about sexual health. (Um, obviously. See above.) We chatted with Laura Stuart a little before her sex toy presentation, and you can tell right away that shes really easy to talk to, even about topics that can make some people uncomfortable. Some friends of mine who were thinking about becoming sexually active basically just visited her at her office and had a little chat about safe sex and contraception. Three cheers for responsibility, right? They came back with booklets of information and free condoms. Speaking of, those things are everywhere. If you cant find them, youre just dumb. Sometimes I think MIT spends more money on condoms than anything. Really. Anyway, MIT takes sexual health seriously. Im not sure if this makes parent readers more or less anxious, so Ill just leave it at that. =) QA Time! Steven asked, Im told i am exelent in math and reading, and above standard in science, but my english and writing skills Lets just say they are not up to par. Will I still be considered or must i be dissillusioned? To be perfectly honest, it depends exactly what you mean by not up to par, which is a pretty vague description. =) Seriously though, you cant get too hung up on the details of your test scores. Besides, most MIT students score higher in math and science than english and writing (check out section C9 of that link). In any case, you never know unless you try! If youre really concerned about your scores, you may want to address a more specific question to Ben or Matt. Edward wrote: But I do think I kinda agree with John 08 I dont know why :-) PS: Which is better: a) tackling psets alone b) doing psets as a group Hey now. Dont go bashing my cooking when you havent even eaten it and then ask a question and expect an answer! =P How you tackle psets is a personal preference. Some people feel the need to work everything out for themselves, and some people need to have other distra- I mean, classmates around for help. Im a firm believer in method #2, personally, but it varies. I also apologize for the fact that this doesnt really answer your question at all. I will say that most professors expect and encourage collaboration on psets, so they make them really really hard. Which is so uncool. Emi asked, What other interesting classes are available for HASS credit? which is a pretty hefty question, so Im putting it aside for now until I can properly research some of the course offerings. In the meantime, feel free to poke around the websites of the different HASS departments, which are listed here. In response to my nutritional documentation, Nurlan sad no vegetebles. i will feel myself as if i m punished. I dont like vegetables. Except for potatoes. And I eat plenty of those by buying those microwavable cheddar cheese potato boats from the supermarket. Yum. Mushal basically wanted to know how I dont starve to death. I guess I dont require as much food as most people in order to function, but I definitely dont go hungry. I also have a practically bottomless supply of granola bars and pop-tarts, which Im constantly eating between meals. And one bowl of cereal per day is the bare minimum. Its usually more than that. =) Tomorrow I have a super-cool adventure planned, but its top-secret! (Im really just saying this so that if it doesnt work out I just disappoint myself and not all of you as well. Then I can make something up in order to not look like an idiot!) So stay tuned!
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Decode Your College Syllabus For A Higher Grade
The syllabus is a map to guide you through an entire semester in a particular class with a particular professor. If you will notice the length of most syllabi, you can tell that professors take the time to prepare these. They make sure that every detail their students may need is there. Not to mention, they discuss every detail on the first day of class. Yet, most students do not know what to do with their syllabi after the first day of class. Well, here is a pro tip: your syllabus can help you get ahead in class, or at least make the semester less stressful.Here is what you should do with your syllabus:1. Read it and highlight important rules and details.Admit it, you do not always read your syllabi. But you really should. Your syllabi contain details about the goals of the class, as well as the professors expectations. It will give you an impression of what the semester will be like. Does this professor prefer exams or papers? Does this professor expect heavy class participation? A re they lenient with tardiness? How and where do they want you to submit papers? Do they prefer MLA, APA, or Chicago? Most importantly, take note of their late homework policy.2. Your professors contact details and office hoursHighlight or take note of your professors contact details, as well as their office hours. You never know when these will come in handy. Stricter professors may even have a process for scheduling consultation. You do not want to be that student asking them when you can consult when all these have been detailed in the syllabus. Take note of these even when you think you do not need them as consultations are sometimes necessary for homework or projects.Even if you are not the type of student to consult your professor outside of class hours, you may want to keep these in case of emergency. You never know when you need to consult with them.On a related note, you probably should take advantage of your professors willingness to consult with you regarding important re quirements. These will definitely help you pull up your grade as they can give you valuable insight or advice. Who knows? You might even develop a friendship with them.3. Highlight and take note of important datesTake note of requirements and significant dates so you can plan your study schedule and avoid being overwhelmed when papers pile up. You can practically plan your entire semester with just your class syllabi. Professors layout the classs schedule for the semester so students can also plan theirs, and make adjustments early on.If you are the type to keep a planner, write down the requirements and their deadlines on your planner early on. If, on the other hand, you do not keep a planner, highlight these significant days. This way, you will not forget any of the requirements.4. Plan extra-curricular activities and vacationsThe number one complaint of students is not having enough time for extracurricular activities and being at a loss after winter or thanksgiving break. With a syllabus at hand, you can plan what you will do and study during your vacation. Your studies do not need to interfere with your vacation, of course. You can prioritize the assignments that will be passed or study only for exams or quizzes that are scheduled for the first week of your return to class.5. Grade breakdownYou do not need to compute your grades every time you submit a paper or take an exam in your classesthough you can if that helps youbut at least knowing which requirements are weightier in the grade computation will give you an idea on which requirements to prioritize. So, on top of their deadlines, take note of each requirements weight in the grading system.6. Required textbooksProfessors typically list down all the books and other reading materials that will be used for class. You are expected to have your own copy of these and to have read them in advance. In college you are no longer expected to be passive receivers of knowledge, you are expected to engage in disco urse with your professor and the entire class. Always come to class preparedwith your syllabus, there is no excuse not to know what will be discussed or done in class.7. Further readingProfessors always include a further reading list on the off-chance that one of their students wants to go beyond what can be taught in the classroom. You can assure that these materials were read by your professors, and even though they are not strictly part of the curriculum, they offer valuable insight into the topic. Your professor will not list those down if they were not all useful to them at some point. Surely, these will help you, too.Doing further reading is tediouswe understand that, but it is the best way to get an A in class. There are insights that may not be offered in traditional textbooks that other authors can, and you can use that in your learning. Even better, you can use these in your academic essays.8. Weekly class topicsSome professors list down topics for the week. Although they are rarely followed, they still tell you the chronology in which you will discuss topics in class. If you want an A for that class, study ahead of time using this information. Check which chapter in your textbook or reading materials will be used in class and read them. You will be able to engage in your class and leave a good impression on your professor and learn more. If you ever wonder how your smart classmates seem to always know the answer, this is their secret: they study the materials ahead of time.If, on the other hand, your professor requires you to read a chapter before class, take a step ahead and read (or skim through if you are pressed for time) additional reading materials.9. Plan your essays ahead of timeSome professors indicate the topic of essays in the syllabus. At times, this is only to inform the students, but other times it is because they simply expect the class to submit their essays on the indicated date. These professors do not remind the class about deadli nes, nor do they give further explanations. In any case, it always pays to plan your essays ahead of time. Plan your essays a week or two ahead so you have ample time to research, prepare an outline, and edit them before submission.Follow this step-by-step process on how to write an essay efficiently.Treat your syllabus as a kind of cheat sheet for the semester. 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Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Problem Question on Contract Law - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2028 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Cause and effect essay Topics: Act Essay Contract Law Essay Did you like this example? Introduction A contract refers to an agreement between two or more parties which is legally binding in the eyes of the law. Based on Contract Act 1950, section 2 (h), an agreement that is enforceable by law is a contract. Any other agreements that is not enforceable by law is said to be void, section 2 (g). Therefore, section 2 (j) a contract which is ceases to be enforceable by the law becomes void when it ceases to be enforceable. A contract consists of 6 elements which is proposal (section 2) and acceptance (section 7). The agreement made must be certain and lawful to fulfill the requirement of entering a contract. The consideration (section 26) of a contract have to be in price theory or the benefit and detriment theory. Next, certainty (section 30) said that the terms and agreements of a contract need to be certain and clear. Besides that, all party in the contract have to be free consent, section 10. Lastly, section 11 capacity said that minors, person that disqualified from contracting by any law and unsound mind are not competent to enter a contract. Ah Beng Ah Beng wished to sell his 3-year old motorcycle. He have the intention to create legal relations, commercial contract. In a business contract the presumption is that there is an intention to create legal relations. Unlike domestic contract where agreement made between parties are stated as no intention to create such a legal relations. For example, agreement between spouses, between parent and child and agreements between friends. Case law Balfour v. Balfour. The husband promised to pay a monthly allowance as maintenance to his wife. The court held that it was not a legally enforceable agreement, the parties should be attended by legal consequences. According to section 2 (a), when one signifies to another his willingness to do said to make a proposal, Ah Beng is the offeror before he advertised the sale in a local newspaper. After the advertisement,he becomes an acceptor. Advertisement consist of two types of offer, Bilateral and Unilateral offer. Unilateral offer is a party (X) undertakes to do something is another party (Y) decides to accept by performing some lawful act specified by X. For instance, Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. Carbolic Smoke Ball company made an offer to the pubic by issuing an advertisement saying that whoever still suffered from influenza after taking their product (a drug) will get  £ 100 in a specified manner and for a specified period of time. Mrs Carlill sued the company for the promise reward. The court held that the advertisement is an offer to the world. Referring to the Bilateral case law Majumder v. Attorney General of Sarawak 1967, a newspaper advertisement stated a medical officer war required and set out the salary scale. The Federal Court held that the advertisement in the newspaper for the post of a medical officer was an invitation to treat. Therefore the advertisement by Ah Beng i s a Bilateral Contracts, where both parties make promises to one another, a mutual exchange of promise and this leads to invitation to treat. For example, a job advertisement is not an offer but an Invitation to Treat. The applicant is the offeror for the job and if it is accepted, the promisor is obligated to perform by giving the applicant a position and remuneration in accordance with the advertisement, a promise for a promise. Ah Beng and Ahmad Ah Beng called his colleague Ahmad who had previously told him that he is looking for a used motorcycle for his son for RM 2,500.00 in cash. As they discussed, Ahmad asked Ah Beng to hold the offer till end of the month and Ah Beng did not give an affirmative answer. Based on section 2 (a) , when one signifies to another his willingness to do said to make a proposal. Therefore Ah Beng is the offeror and Ahmad is the acceptor. However, the contract is not valid. There are components under Contracts Act 1950 to determine whether a contract is valid or invalid. When Ah Beng offered Ahmad at the first place, Ahmad request for extension, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“until the end of the monthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , setting a new request to Ah Beng. According to section 7 (a), conditional acceptance is no acceptance. Case law Branca v. Cobarro. Ahmadà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s act has caused the contract to be invalid. Moreover, at the end of the conversation Ah Beng did not give an affirmative answer to Ahmad , section 7 (a) Acceptance must be absolute as referring to case law of Kam Mah Theatre Sdn. Bhd. v. Tan Lay Soon 1994. The acceptance given by Ahmad must be absolute and unqualified in order to make the contract between him and Ah Beng valid. After two days, Ahmad rang up Ah Bengà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s house to inform that he is interested to buy the motorcycle and will go over the next day to make the payment of RM 2,500.00 after seeing Ah Beng has advertised to sell the motorcycle for RM 2,800.00 on the local newspaper. Unfortunatel y Ah Beng was not in and Ah Bengà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s wife is the person who was answering the call. Based on section 4 (1) , a communication is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made. Refers to case law, R v. Clarke. Clarke was an accomplice to the murder of two policeman, the Australian published a notice granting pardon and a reward of A$ 1,000. Clark supplied the information but he admitted that at the time he gave the information he had forgotten about the reward money. The court held that he was not entitled to the reward as he was not aware of the reward at all. The contract is therefore invalid as Ahmad did not deliver his messages and offers to Ah Bengà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s knowledge and not conforming to Section 4(2)(b). However, the contract can still be valid if Ah Beng give authorization to his wife to accept the offer on behalf of Ah Beng. This is illustrated in the case law Powell n Lee, the court held that there was no authorized communic ation made by the acceptor. Ah Beng and Maniam Maniam read the advertisement and went over Ah Bengà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s house to look for the motorcycle. Maniamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s act is to inquire more information about the motorcycle. The conversation between Maniam and Ah Beng signifies that the advertisement made by Ah Beng regarding the motorcycle is uncertain as there are informations about the motorcycle that Ah Beng did not mention clearly in the advertisement such as the model of the motorcycle, colour of the motorcycle, accident free and current condition of the motorcycle have not been told from the advertisement. This have caused uncertainty for the consideration of an agreement, therefore invalid contract based on section 30. This scenario can be referred to the case law, Karuppan Chetty v. Suah Thian 1916, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“lease at $35.00 per month as long as he likeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ is unacceptable by the court therefore declared void for uncertainty. Maniam notic ed that the battery was weak and both of the tyres were worn off during the inspection of the motorcycle. Ah Beng immediately offered the price to RM 2,700.00 and has become the new offeror, on the other hand Maniam become the new acceptor. As the negotiation going on, case law Lau Brothers Co v. China Pacific Navigation Co. Ltd 1965, no agreement will be formed under negotiation. However Maniam agreed to bring the cash on the next day expecting Ah Beng to replace the two tyres with the new ones. It is a new condition set by Maniam, leading to a counter offer. Based on section 7 (a), the acceptance made must be absolute and unqualified. Therefore the contract is not valid as Maniamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s counter offer is a rejection of the initial contract, contracts subject to contract. The contract would only be valid if it is free consent from both parties. Refers to case law Hyde v. Wrench 1840, the defendant offered to sell his estate to the plaintiff on 6th of Jun for  £1, 000. On 8th of June the plaintiff made a counter proposal, 27th of June the defendant refused to accept his offer. Two days later the plaintiff wrote to the defendant that he was prepare to pay  £1,000, the defendant refused. The court held that there was no acceptance as by rejecting the original offer the plaintiff had destroyed the offer. In effect the plaintiff is now making a new offer. By asking Ah Beng to replace the worn off tyres with new ones, Maniam has become the offeror again whereas Ah Beng as the acceptor of this new agreement. At the end of the day, Ah Beng did not give response to Maniamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s further request. Based on section 7 (b), Mental acceptance is no acceptance, silence will not amount to acceptance. Refers to case law Felthouse v. Bindley, plaintifà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s uncle offered to buy a horse from plaintiff for  £30 adding à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“If i hear no more about him, i consider the horse mine at the priceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . The court held that the plaintiffà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s silence did not amount to acceptance of the offer. In this case, Ah Bengà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s reaction towards Maniam is not an acceptance to the contract, therefore the agreements between Ah Beng and Maniam is invalid. Ah Beng and Jack A classmate of Ah Bengà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s 16 year old son, also came to know about the advertisement. Jack immediately went over to Ah Bengà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s house and gave five hundred ringgit in cash to Ah Bengà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s son with a promise that he will pay the balance the next day after he gets it from his parents. Section 10 (1) states that if the agreements are made by free consent of parties for a lawful consideration are not hereby expressly declared to be void. Jack is willing to enter the contract by offering his money Ah Beng without being forced. Based on section 11 Capacity as per Age of Majority Act 1971, said that the age of majority to enter a contract is at the age of 18 and above. Case law Tan Hee Juan v. Teh Boon Keat, a minor entered into a contract of transferring land. The court held that the contract was void. Jack is a minor, 16 years old and incapable of entering a contract. Moreover, section 69 said that the necessaries suited to his condition in life is not valid. Case law Nash Vs. Inman (1908) a minor, who was already having sufficient supply of clothing suitable to his position, was supplied further clothing by a tailor. Unlike case law Scarborough v. Sturzaker 1905 where the minor needs a motorcycle to travel to work for 12 miles (19 km ) distance everyday. In this case, a motorcycle is necessaries suited to the condition in life. However, there are few exception for necessity which is valid contract. Such as marriage contract, case law Rajeswary v. Balakrishnan 1958. Case law Government of Malaysia v. Gurcharan Singh 1971 stated that scholarship contract is valid for a minor as education is a necessity nowadays. Insurance is also a valid contract for a minor. Based on Insurance Act 1963, a minor can enter an insurance contract if he is above ten years old. According to section 66, obligation of person who has received advantage under void agreement or contract that becomes void. When a contract becomes void, any person who has received any advantage under the agreement is bound to restore it, or make compensation for it to the person from whom he received it. Therefore, Ah Beng is obligated to restore balance, return the five hundred ringgit to Jack. Referring to case law, Thong Foo Ching Ors v. Shigenori Ono 1998. Conclusion In conclusion, non of the person above have a valid contract with Ah Beng. First, the communication is yet to be complete between Ah Beng and Ahmad as Ahmad called and Ah Bengà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s wife is the person who answered the call (section 4 (1) Communication). Next, being silence did not amount to acceptance of the offer (section 7 (a). Therefore invalid contract with Man iam as Ah Beng remain silence. Next, the capacity of both parties must be competent to enter a contract in order to make it legal, section 11 Competent to contract. In this case the contract between Ah Beng and Jack is invalid due to the age of Jack, minor (16 years old) . Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Problem Question on Contract Law" essay for you Create order
Monday, May 18, 2020
Canadas Parliament the House of Commons
Just like many European countries, Canada has a parliamentary form of government, with a bicameral legislature (meaning it has two separate bodies). The House of Commons is the lower house of its parliament and is made up of 338 elected members. The Dominion of Canada was established in 1867 by the British North America Act, also known as the Constitution Act. Canada remains a constitutional monarchy and is a member state of the Commonwealth of the United Kingdom. So Canadas parliament is modeled after the UKs government, which also has a House of Commons (but Canadas other house is the Senate, while the UK has a House of Lords). Both houses of Canadas parliament can introduce legislation, but only members of the House of Commons can introduce bills having to do with spending and raising money. Most Canadian laws start as bills in the House of Commons. In the Commons Chamber, MPs (as Members of Parliament are known) represent constituents, discuss national issues and debate and vote on bills. Election to the House of Commons In order to become an MP, a candidate runs in a federal election. These are held every four years. In each of Canadas 338 constituencies, or ridings, the candidate who gets the most votes is elected to the House of Commons. Seats in the House of Commons are organized according to the population of each province and territory. All Canadian provinces or territories must have at least as many MPs in the House of Commons as the Senate. Canadas House of Commons has more power than its Senate, even though the approval of both is needed to pass legislation. Its highly unusual for the Senate to reject a bill once its been passed by the House of Commons. And Canadas government is answerable only to the House of Commons; a Prime Minister only stays in office as long as he or she has the confidence of its members. Organization of the House of Commons There are many different roles within Canadas House of Commons. The Speaker is chosen by MPs via secret ballot after each general election. He or she presides over the House of Commons and represents the lower house before the Senate and the Crown. He or she oversees the House of Commons and its staff. The Prime Minister is the leader of the political party in power, and as such is the head of Canadas government. Prime Ministers preside over Cabinet meetings and answer questions in the House of Commons, much like their British counterparts. The Prime Minister is usually an MP (but there were two Prime Ministers who began as senators). The Cabinet is chosen by the Prime Minister and formally appointed by the Governor General. The majority of cabinet members are MPs, with at least one senator. Cabinet members oversee a specific department in the government, such as health or defense, and are assisted by parliamentary secretaries, also MPs appointed by the Prime Minister. There are also Ministers of State, assigned to assist cabinet ministers in specific areas of government priority. Each party with at least 12 seats in the House of Commons appoints one MP to be its House Leader. And each recognized party also has a whip, who is responsible for making sure party members are present for votes, and that they hold ranks within the party, ensuring unity in votes.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Application Virtualization For A Virtual Machine Monitor (...
1. Introduction Virtualization is a term used to describe technology that uses abstraction to instruct a guest operating system, data storage, or network device to use underlying shared hardware or software as described by Pearce et al. [1]. Abstraction is managed at a software layer known as a virtual machine monitor (VMM) or hypervisor. The VMM or hypervisor emulates hardware to guest operating systems and applications, which includes core processor unit (CPU), memory, input/output (I/O), and network traffic [1, pp.2]. There are different areas of virtualization, which include server virtualization, application virtualization, network virtualization, storage virtualization, and desktop virtualization [1, pp.8]. The branching out of virtualization into different areas displays the rapid growth of this technology. The VMM and hypervisor software layer provides security challenges that should be addressed in order to protect resources and data within virtualization. For example, this additional layer of technology opens up new paths which an attacker can use to break into and interrupt a system or network. The VMM can also be a single point of failure in a virtualized environment [1, pp. 33]. If the VMM is compromised, then the virtual environment managed by the VMM could be compromised as well. The primary focus of this literature review will be physical hosts, which are VMMs and hypervisors managing a virtualization environment. The Important Ideas section willShow MoreRelatedThe Development Of Drivers For Virtual Machines1074 Words  | 5 PagesI. Introduction to the topic This paper will be analyzing the development of drivers for virtual machines, as well as how virtual machines access host hardware. Topics covered will include what interest what interest I/O driver virtualization holds for the computer information science field, a general overview of virtualization, I/O hardware virtualization, and virtualization of I/O drivers. II. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Movie Hunger Games Essay - 868 Words
The last movie is the novel adaptation, Hunger Games series came to a close on November 17, 2015. The final film in the series, Mockingjay Part 2, follows the same strategy as another young-adult movie franchise, Twilight. The book turned movie raised its nearly unknown cast to rock star status and enormous profit. This sci-fi, adventure is violent. Scenes of blood oozing out of actors and actresses earned the PG-13 rating. The violence was spread evenly, however, the out the 137 minute duration of the movie. The movie seemed timely as United States presidential candidates are dropping one by one in what late night host Stephen Colbert calls â€Å"The Hungry for Power Games†. The film’s plot started off with a cliff hanger from Mockingjay Part 2. Immediately, the viewer could sense the tying of loose ends. Some parts of the film were predictable, though. The motion of this movie differed from the first two of the series. Mockingjay Parts One and Two almost feel like completely different films. Screenwriters Peter Craig and Danny Strong had the task of condensing Suzanne Collins award winning novel series plot in to a movie. Loyal Hunger Games readers could attest to the lessened action and added description. Jon Kilik worked as co-producer with Nina Jacobson’s Color Force Company. According to an article in Forbes Magazine, the film’s budget was $125 million. Although there were no reported budget issues a major hurdle the cast and crew faced was the passing of a leadShow MoreRelatedThe Movie The Hunger Games 894 Words  | 4 PagesThe first thing that caught my attention in The Hunger Games movie series was the main character and hero, Katniss Everdeen. She was a great example of a hero. She embodies the definition of a hero by the sense of the word; she was not only a great fighter in front of a strong male but she also volunteered to take the place of her little sister who was chosen in the first place. This was an act of heroic self-sacrifice. One of the main roles of the game was to be the sole survivor, but Katniss sacrificedRead MoreThe Movie The Hunger Games 889 Words  | 4 PagesThe first thing that caught my attention in The Hunger Games movie series was the main character and hero, Katniss Everdeen. She was a great example of a hero. She embodies the definition of a hero by the sense of the word; she was not only a great fighter in front of a strong male but she also volunteered to take the place of her little sister who was chosen in the first place. This was an act of heroic self-sacrifice. One of the main roles of the game was to be the sole survivor, but Katniss sacrificedRead MoreThe Hunger Games : Movie Review Essay984 Words  | 4 PagesThe Hunger Games 2012 movie Review The 2012 American science fiction film directed by Gary Ross is noted to be one of the most exciting motion pictures of its time. It became the first of a series of other films under the same name based on the fictional novels by Suzanne Collins, similarly using the same title. The film story is seen to take place in community where ferocity and atrocious behaviors are the only means by which members know. The hunger games movie is a thrilling, moving, intensely-feltRead MoreMovie Review : The Hunger Games 1343 Words  | 6 Pagespopular book and movie, the Hunger Games, in which both describe young Katniss Everdeen’s journey from an oppressed district to the capital to face the infamous â€Å"hunger games†. Though the theme and the storyline are the same, the book and the movie diverges in many circumstances, including censorship, effects, action, plot, and even the characters. Though there were differences in the detail that Suzanne Collins and the director of the movie went into, both the plots of the movie and the book areRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Hunger Games 891 Words  | 4 PagesSummarize the movie from a sociological perspective (approximately 1 page) : In the film of The Hunger Games, there are districts that are stratified, the bottom of the districts are those with the least amount of resources to survive. Those at the top control the resources by hosting an annual game that will test the strength and courage of two youth, â€Å"tributes,†to survive in a human hunting game. One male and one female are chosen at random from each district to participate in the game. There willRead MoreThe Hunger Games Movie Synopsis599 Words  | 2 PagesWelcome to The Hunger Games, a Lionsgate film. The film is set in the futuristic setting of a post- apocalyptic North American nation called Panem. The movie reveals 12 poor districts which are ruled by the wealthy Capital. The Capital destroyed district 13 for non-compliance to the rules and governing imposed on all districts. As a result the Capital created The Hunger Games as an annual televised event. Each of the remaining 12 districts must produce via lottery one male and one female child betweenRead MoreThe Hunger Games Movie Analysis1935 Words  | 8 PagesIn the following film, The Hunger Games directed by Gary Ross, it focuses primarily on the protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, who volunteers to partake the Hunger games tribute that occurs once a year. Every year in each district, each of the two members of each gender is selected to fight the annual Hunger Games. Katniss intends to be the center of attention of this film, which gives the audiences a better insight of the movie, also revealing additional themes that the author is trying to convey. AtRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Hunger Games 2215 Words  | 9 PagesChange in Feminism in the Cinema World The Hunger Games which is directed by Garry Ross is story in land of Panem which has grown out of the cadaverous ruins of what one time was known as North America, 74 years ago. The capitol introduced the hunger games as a reminder to the twelve districts of its authority and punishment for rebellion. Every year a boy and a girl from each district, who are known as Tributes, and they are of aged between 12 and 18. The names are chosen randomly in reaping ceremoniesRead MoreDifferences Between The Movie And The Hunger Games1046 Words  | 5 Pagesseen the Hunger Games movie and read the Hunger Games book? Have you ever noticed the superficial differences between them? Well, if you have then you clearly see that the movie and the book’s plots are relatively similar, but there are a few differences between the movie and the book. Although they bear some superficial differences, the similarities between the Hunger Games book and the Hunger Games movie are pronounced.      To begin, the Hunger Games movie is a very interesting movie that isRead MoreCritical Analysis Of The Movie Hunger Games1291 Words  | 6 PagesIn this essay, I will do a critical analysis of the movie â€Å"Hunger Games,†the short story â€Å"The Story of an Hour,†and Taylor Swift’s music video â€Å"Look What You Make Me Do†in terms of the use of symbolism, and the new self. The Hunger Games follows 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, a girl from District 12 who volunteers for the 74th Hunger Games in place of her younger sister Primrose Everdeen. The games itself is a competition to see who’s the strongest. The story of an Hour is a short story that describes
Distally Based Sural Artery Flap Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
Methodology: This prospective interventional survey was conducted from March 2007- February 2009 at the Department of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Burns Unit, Liaquat University of Medical Health Sciences, Jamshoro. Sample was collected by non chance convenience sampling. A predesigned proforma was used to roll up the information. We will write a custom essay sample on Distally Based Sural Artery Flap Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now SPSS 17 was used for informations analysis. Consequences: Age of 35 inducted patients ‘ ranged from 13-57 old ages with Mean ±SD age of 31 ±7.7 old ages. There were 29 males ( 82.85 % ) and 6 females ( 17.14 % ) . All flaps were survived ; partial tip mortification was seen in 3 patients ( 8.57 % ) . Mode of hurt was route traffic accident in 30 patients ( 85.71 % ) . Two immature males ( 5.71 % ) were with spoke wheel hurt. Two patients ( 5.71 % ) had force per unit area sore lesions. One patient ( 2.85 % ) has exposed calcanium due to fire hurt. Paresthesia on sidelong boundary line of pes resolved on its ain within 6 months period in all instances, there was no neuroma formation. Decision: Sural arteria flap is an outstanding pick for direction of soft tissue defects of lower appendage, specially exposed calcanium and malleolus due to its first-class blood supply and easiness of public presentation. Keywords: lower appendage Reconstruction, sural arteria, sural arteria flap, fasciocutaneous flap Introduction: Soft tissue coverage of lower appendages defect is disputing to both plastic and orthopaedic sawboness. Lower appendage is prone to trauma and jeopardies due to its location and low vascularity. Unlike trunk, there is limited figure of flap picks available for Reconstruction of lower limb defects. These flaps should be able to cover the defect specially any open bone, nervus, sinew or any major vass ; besides it should be easy to execute and give permanent consequences to patient. The really fist documented thought of fasciocutaneous flap was presented in 1980 by Poten, and that resulted because of advanced cognition and survey of anatomy of lower particularly in footings of neurovascular construction, muscular structure, and blood supply to clamber and deep facia. Poten described and emphasized upon the function of fasciocutaneous flap for Reconstruction of lower leg defects due to their dependability and safety profile. Upper and lower appendages have longitudinal dispersed superficial nervousnesss and hypodermic venas. It is advised that fasciocutaneous flaps should integrate these nervousnesss and venas which help in flap endurance and diminish the ratio of flap mortification and best illustration of such fasciocutaneous flap is sural arteria flap which is based on average superficial sural arteria which is a subdivision of superficial Sural arteria. The pedicel sural flap consists of superficial and deep facia, lesser sephanous vena, average superficial little arteria and sural nervus, whereas the flap consists of tegument with hypodermic tissue and facia along with above mentioned neurovascular constructions. Methodology: This prospective interventional survey was conducted form March 2007- February 2009 at the Department of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Burns Unit, Liaquat University of Medical Health Sciences, Jamshoro. During the survey period patients coming for coverage of lesion on lower appendages were included in the survey after obtaining informed consent. A predesigned proforma was used to roll up the data.. Patients were followed for a period of six months. SPSS 17 was used for informations analysis After all sterile steps the flap was raised. All patients were operated under spinal anaesthesia. After application of compression bandage, the surface markers were drawn at the sidelong boundary line of Achilles tendon medically and laterally at the border of fibular shaft. At sidelong malleolus a sidelong scratch is made, the median scratch is made at the sidelong boundary line of Achilles sinew which continues till the point of its interpolation at border of defect or tubercle of calcanium. After scratch on tegument and facia, the short sephanous vena is ligated and sural nervus is divided. Flap is than raised distally, subdivisions of peroneal arteria are included in sub facial fat in the flap to guarantee maximal blood supply. Flap is so advanced along the sidelong border of Achilles sinew. Donor side is so near chiefly if flap is little in size, otherwise natural surface is covered with partial thickness tegument grafting. After a period of 3 hebdomads the flap is detached and its distal portion is stitched back to its original location. Consequences Sural flap was done in 35 instances. Patient ‘s age ranged from 13-57 old ages with Mean ±SD age of 31 ±7.7 old ages. There were 29 males ( 82.85 % ) and 6 females ( 17.14 % ) . Majority of patients were between 31-40 twelvemonth of age Table I. All flaps were survived, partial tip mortification was seen in 3 patients ( 8.57 % ) , and remainder had good viability of full flap. Mode of hurt was route traffic accident in bulk of instances i.e. 30 patients ( 85.71 % ) . Two immature males ( 5.71 % ) with radius wheel hurt. Two patients had force per unit area sore lesions. One patient ( 2.85 % ) has exposed calcanium due to fire hurt. Paresthesia on sidelong boundary line of pes resolved on its ain within 6 months period in all instances, there was no neuroma formation. Discussion Reconstruction of lower appendage defect are still an mystery for fictile sawboness working in a apparatus where microvascular surgery installations are non yet available. The most common site is heel which is a weight bearing country and is prone to trauma and other jeopardies like force per unit area sores. The tegument over the heel is less nomadic and has hapless blood supply. Following rehabilitative ladder several options have been studied for soft tissue coverage of open heel including septo cutaneal, axial form, random form, musculus flap and free flaps. So far, fasciocutaneous flaps are proven to be an armamentarium for fictile sawboness, particularly when it comes to Reconstruction of lower appendage defects. Though many writers are of sentiment that medical plantar flap is the best option for coverage of open heel. However others are of sentiment that sural arteria flap offers the same. Viability of island flaps are ever questionable due to cut down blood supply, another o ption for coverage of open heel defects is sidelong calcaneal flap which is based on sidelong calcaneal arteria, it besides contain lesser sephanous vena and sural nervus. However once more it has a short coming o tantrums little size, that ‘s why it is non ever suited for open heel defects particularly larger in size. Distally based contrary flow sural arteria flap is option of pick since 1980s. it is based on median superficial sural arteria. The blood flow is in contrary from the peroneal arteria in distal portion of leg. Small nervus besides has its ain arterial supply. These all subdivisions anastomosis freely in superficial plane. Many writers have reported that distally bases sural artery flap as a versatile and dependable flap for Reconstruction of lower appendage defect. Several surveies have reported experience of coverage of calcaneal and malleolus defects with good result with sural flap. The major drawback of this flap is forfeit of sural nervus ; nevertheless surveies report that the esthesis improves over the period of clip and same was the instance in this series on a 6 months follow-up. Decision It is concluded that distally based sural arteria flap is an first-class option for coverage of soft tissue defects of lower appendage, specially exposed calcanium and malleolus due to its first-class blood supply. Table I Age gender distribution Age scope ( old ages ) Males Number of patients ( % ) Females Number of patients ( % ) 10-20 6 ( 17.14 % ) – 21-30 5 ( 14.28 % ) 1 ( 2.85 % ) 31-40 14 ( 40 % ) 3 ( 8.57 % ) 41-60 4 ( 14.4 % ) 2 ( 5.71 % ) Entire 29 ( 82.85 % ) 6 ( 17.14 % ) Chart I Mode of hurt How to cite Distally Based Sural Artery Flap Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Analysis of Advertisement
Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Advertisement. Answer: Introduction: The aim of the paper is to identify two important external factors that significantly influence consumer purchasing behaviour. As pointed out by Danaher and Dagger (2013), there are a number of external factors that are indeed important to keep in mind at the time of designing an advertisement. Following are the two factors that might be used to improve the print advertisement of Cool Switch. Social class and lifestyle: The culture of Singapore is inclined towards the Western Culture in spites that the major population are Asian than include Malay, Indian, Chinese and to some extent the British. As stated by Aaker and Biel (2011), their cultural symbolism is associated with economic prosperity with a distinct ethnic culture. This particular print ad of Cool Switch the model has been portrayed as hard working and the body wear is helping the person to match the hardship that also help to perform better. An improvement is suggested in this perspective. Rather than portraying a single model, the advertisement would have used a couple or two models that would portray a culture of togetherness. There would have been two or more models who are working out together. This shall attract the attention of more target consumers (Danaher and Dagger 2013). The models should comprise of both males and females that would create a sense of sex role in the advertisement and will attract consumers from both sexes. The image of the models should be portrayed in a way that it by wearing the outfits of Cool Switch, they can maintain a social class and high life style. Word of mouth, social media, fashion: As already mentioned, the theme of the advertisement could be made more interesting rather than keeping it dull. If the image portrayed that a couple or two of the people are doing certain work out at the gym, it would have gained greater attention of the readers (Sraphin et al. 2016). It is a common trend that both boys and girls work out together at the gym and perhaps it is often found that they keep on trending the same over the social media. Thus, there remained a chance that the advertisement would have become a word of mouth of the readers and impacted Group and situational effects on consumer behaviour. Therefore, it can be easily said that by creating a thematic advertisement better improvement would have been made to the print ad. References: Aaker, D. and Biel, A., 2011.Brand equity advertising. 1st ed. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Danaher, P.J. and Dagger, T.S., 2013. Comparing the relative effectiveness of advertising channels: A case study of a multimedia blitz campaign. Journal of Marketing Research, 50(4), pp.517-534. Sraphin, H., Ambaye, M., Gowreesunkar, V. and Bonnardel, V., 2016. A marketing research tool for destination marketing organizations' logo design.Journal of Business Research, 69(11), pp.5022-5027.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
sexist stereotypes in 100 years of solitude Essay Example
sexist stereotypes in 100 years of solitude Essay Defying Roles of Sexist Stereotypes The book 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is centered around an eclectic family living in the solitude of Macondo for seven generations. As the members of the Buendia family live their lives, they find themselves in a repeating cycle of sins committed by the original Buendias. Out of everything the family does to escape their troubles, nothing seems to work. In and around the family there are only few individuals who keep them from completely spiraling out of control and they ll happen to be women. Within the book, Marquez tends to put women in the stereotypical female societal roles. The characters, however, defy their roles and become the few people to hold the family together. Three important women in 100 Years of Solitude are Ursula Buendia: the housewife, Pilar Ternera: the mysterious whore, and Remedios the Beauty: the crazy yet beautiful woman. Although they are labeled with sexist stereotypes, they become some of the strongest and most beneficial characters to saving the Buendia family from their original sins. Ursula Buendia, although one of the original Buendias, is the strongest and most powerful woman in the book. She committed the original sin of incest with her husband/cousin Jose Arcadio Buendia, but it was provoked by him and not her. Ursula resisted having sex with Jose Arcadio Buendia because she did not want her child to have a pigs tail as a result and even wore metal underwear, but soon into the marriage, she was forced into it because other men bullied JAB. We will write a custom essay sample on sexist stereotypes in 100 years of solitude specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on sexist stereotypes in 100 years of solitude specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on sexist stereotypes in 100 years of solitude specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Thereafter, JAB committed the second original sin of violence by killing Prudencio, and then together im and Ursula moved in to solitude. Although Ursula technically committed the original sins, she resisted the actions the whole time, knowing the consequences would be dire. JAB was the main mastermind behind them, beginning the endless cycle and setting the tone for the rest of the book. From then on, it seemed that the men of the Buendia family made the trouble and the women cleaned up after them, Theyre all alike, Ursula lamented. At first they behave very well, theyre obedient and prompt and they dont seem capable of killing a fly. But as soon as their beards ppear they go to ruin. (Marquez 152) Ursula is alive for over half of the book, which equals to about 100 years old. Throughout her life she is a mother, a grandmother, a great grandmother and so on, all the while playing the role of a housewife to the growing Buendia family. Even after Ursula goes blind she is still able t o keep everyone in check as best as she can without help from anyone, especially the boys. Right from the beginning, JAB began distancing himself from the family while searching for knowledge with elaborate items and ideas, leaving Ursula all on her wn to raise three children who of course commit the original sins despite her parenting. In the end, even though Ursula did not completely save the family from their sins, she turned her housewife role into a powerful position taking over the role of the man of the family as well while keeping the family from ruins. Pilar Ternera is another strong female character in the book placed in a sexist stereotypical role. Besides Pilar herself, her name also resembles the word pillar which is an object designed to hold up a building, Just as she held up the Buendia eing able to read fortunes, she had sex with many men and was the head of a brothel at one point. The fact that Pilar could seduce many men and have sex with almost whoever she wanted shows that she had a lot of power over men because she could control them, which is ironic because of the role she is placed in. Pilar used her sexuality to sleep with Jose Arcadio and his brother Colonel Aureliano Buendia which at first may not seem great, but it brought new blood into the Buedia family which is good because it was not incest. This is not the power though, that Pilar enerally used throughout the book to save the Buendia family. She used no sex or magical powers and instead changed peoples fate by changing the their situation and also going to many bounds to keep the family and herself away from the sins. One good change that she made by altering the situation was when her son Arcadio, who did not know he was her son, tried to sleep with her. She instead told him to meet her later and paid a girl, Santa Sofia de la Piedad, to sleep with him, Pilar Ternera had paid her fifty pesos, half of her life savings, to do what she did. (Marquez 112) She paid the other half of her life savings to Santa Sofias parents, leaving her with no money left at all, but saving her son and the Buenda family from another act of incest and sin. Arcadio and Santa Sofia ended up having three children together of non-incest blood: Remedios the Beauty, Aureliano Segundo, and Jose Arcadio Segundo. Pilar Ternera, placed in the role of a whore, which is usually seen as below other people, rose above that and saved the Buendia family from multiple sin-committing situations that helped them to continue on living. Remedios the Beauty, although crazy, is the third most influential woman in 100 Years of Solitude. She was extraordinarily beautiful yet seemed to be crazy or mentally challenged to the other characters in the book. She seemed to have no interest in hygiene or appearance, walking around the house naked and drawing animals on the wall in her own fecal matter. By the time she was twenty she did not even know how to read or write, but that was not the point of her character. What makes Remedios the Beauty so important to the book is how she defied her role of eauty and stupidity by being the only person in the story who did not seem to care or be affected the crazy things that happen to the Buendia family and the town of Macondo. She was the only actually sane person in the story because she was unaffected by the sins and eventually floated up into the sky because she was too normal for the Buendia family and did not fit in. Building on her role of being beautiful, like Pilar, she holds a power over men. Remedios does not under stand her beauty but, The more she did away with fashion in a search for comfort and the ore she passed over the conventions as she obeyed spontaneity, the more disturbing her incredible beauty became and the more provocative she became to men. (Marquez 230) Men would fall to their deaths when they looked upon her beauty even though she had a shaved head and wore a sheet around her body. It showed that even without trying or being aware, Remedios the Beauty could defy her stereotypical role because really they do not exist and you cannot place people into sexist societal roles. When viewing the book as a whole, you can see that Marquez uses Ursula, Pilar, nd Remedios the Beauty to ulti mately show how women cannot be put into sexist above men, who in 100 Years of Solitude seem to be the problem. Even though the Buendia family could not be saved in the end, these three powerful women broke out of their roles and did the best they could to protect the family as long as they could. In the seventh and final generation without these three women to protect them, the last child, Aureliano, was born with a pigtail. Without Ursula, Pilar, and Remedios the Beauty in their stereotypical roles, the Buendia family would not have had as long a lineage as they did.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Benefits of Cultural Diversity Management in a Hotel
The Benefits of Cultural Diversity Management in a Hotel Different cultures have varyingt perspectives. Some perspectives and attributes can affect the operations and performances of an organization. For example, some cultural practices and attributes can dictate what to do and what not to do. Companies should focus on managing this diversity in people for the betterment of giving a good value to the operations of the company.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Benefits of Cultural Diversity Management in a Hotel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Anca and Vazquez (2007, p. 13), companies should focus on identifying dominant as well as rising values in the people. These values should be enhanced for the betterment of maintaining cohesiveness. This cohesiveness in workplace is vital for organizational performance. Hospitality industry provides a perfect means of effective management of diversity in workplace. This is because this industry attracts employees from diverse backgrounds. This is as opposed to regional companies whose workplace staff is likely to be from one region. Hotels and restaurants are most visible in hospitality industries. The paper looks at ways and means of managing workplace diversity in an international hotel. There also some difficulties that are associated with management of workplace diversity, especially diversity based in culture. There exist a number of benefits accrued out of management of workplace diversity. This paper discusses a number of benefits that are attached to management of workplace cultural diversity in a hotel. Management of this diversity can optimize user experience. It is possible to facilitate exchanges of cultures among people in an organization. Management of this diversity can help in identifying as well as removing barriers associated with equal opportunities. Workplace diversity can enhance team performance and operations of the organization when it is managed well. It can encourage th e employees to enhance their talents and provide an opportunity for managers to retain the talents. Holden (2002, p. 95) writes that management of cultural diversity in workplace is the same as managing innovative knowledge. People in the organization have different talents, the same way they have different cultural perspectives. Management of talent ensures that performance of organizational operations is enhanced. In countries such as China, cultural influences on performance are huge (Holden, 2002, p. 158).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are some means of managing this workplace diversity in the organization. Phillip (2006, p. 36) lists some of means as enhancing a psychological contract, enhancing personal motivations, giving referrals to the employees and building employment relationships plus confidence in employees. This paper specifically analyzes ma nagement of recruitments and utilizations of people and personnel from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. A typical international hotel has people from the whole world visiting and spending some nights in it. For this therefore, the kind of employees in the organization to serve these people must be well trained. They must be thinking on the same line so as not to cause confusion on the visitors. The cultures of these people must be enhanced and given an organizational outlook. This is where cultures belonging to the employees are directed to have similarity with organizational policy. There are however various difficulties that come with various practices of managing workplace diversity. Management of workplace diversity in an international hotel Diversity in cultures in a hotel is a major factor. According to Deresky (2002, p. 34), management of diversity in culture in an international hotel or restaurant provides a classic example of international human resource managemen t. The same way an organization can put measures of managing people from different countries is the same way an organization can manage people of varying cultural and religious backgrounds. Two most popular areas of management of diversity are in recruitments and utilizing people from different backgrounds. Recruitment as an area of management of diversity Recruitment in an organization is a way of adding human resource in the organization. It helps the company add to potentiality of performing in the competitive market. For an international hotel, recruitment is a way of adding human resource and knowledge in the company to manage visitors in the hotel/restaurant. Recruitment is critical and should be done with utmost care. The company has a choice to either put people of homogenous backgrounds or people of diverse cultural backgrounds. A well thought out recruitment process is capable of putting committed employees in the organization. Committed employees would put a working staff that is loyal to the management.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Benefits of Cultural Diversity Management in a Hotel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Healey (2002, p. 22), management of diversity is a crucial way of managing cohesiveness in an organization. This cohesiveness helps in removing some common barriers that come with organizational management. A workforce that does not operate from one front is capable of developing some conflicts. These conflicts can affect the performance of the organization. For an international hotel, group conflicts can alter how people and especially visitors value the organization. This cohesiveness and elimination of group conflicts can only be done if the recruitment process is fair and well balanced. Strategies of managing cultural diversity in recruitment for competitive advantage External recruitment for cultural diversity Price (2005, p. 570) qualifies exte rnal recruitment as the best form of recruitment in managing diversity. In a study involving 29 heads of departments in a health care provision center, use of external recruitment method was noted as the best. External recruitment is pitted against getting employees from relatives and friends of organizational employees. Price (2005, p. 570) notes that 21 of the participants supported this kind of recruitment on the basis that it will give fair representation in terms of cultural and religious diversity. Soliciting workforce amongst members of the workforce would mean that the kind of cultures in the employees would be increased. In a hospitality industry, getting people outside makes the organization have a pool of cultures. Competitive advantage comes when a pool of talents is brought into the organization through different cultures in the organization. Agency recruitment for cultural diversity Price (2005, p. 568) adds that external recruitment is largely carried out by agencies. The agencies carry out advertisements for available jobs and conduct interviews. Zanoni and Janssens (2007, p. 1386) write that agency recruitment is recognized as ideal form of recruitment. In study involving minority employees in the organization in terms of cultures, it was discovered that the use of agency recruitment goes for diversity in areas such as culture, religion and experience. This is opposed to using human resource department in the organization to get people. Such a case may prompt employing people who are favored by some people in the organization and so resulting to homogenous kind of organizational culture.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Utilization of personnel from different backgrounds Cox and Blake (1999, p. 53) write that there are some positive and negative issues that come with taking people from varying cultural backgrounds. However, it is recognized that utilizing people from varying cultural backgrounds is beneficial for enhancing balanced organizational performance (Cox and Blake, 1999, p. 53). It has become a trend in international management especially in considering people from different countries. Utilization of people from diverse cultural backgrounds is a way of management of competition in the company. This is because with diverse people, there are diverse talents (Cox and Blake, 1999, p. 45). The contemporary globalization trends, especially the business trends are making organizational managers turn to differences in cultural backgrounds in the organization. Utilizing people who come from different backgrounds is beneficial because it makes the organization have a fair image among its publics. We therell (2008, p. 46) adds on this and writes that an organization that is full of homogenous people in terms of cultural backgrounds maintains the status quo. However, an organization that utilizes people of different backgrounds is capable of improving in performances. This is because there would be multiple talents carried by people of different backgrounds. Strategies of utilizing people of diverse cultural backgrounds Selective training opportunities for competitive advantage Lau (2006, p. 300) uses the example of preferential trainings for parents in hospitals by use of cultural adaptations. Some training is more adapted to particular cultures than others. In a hospitality organization, some communities or cultures are more suited to some professions than others. Lau (2006, p. 300) notes that adaptability is not the same in various cultures. For example, there are some communities known for customer service while others are known for manual operations. This is good for gaining a competitive niche. Some people would be used for capturing the market in some ways or means while other communities would be used for other ways. However, all trainings should be evidences from parent training.†John Wiley publication, 13(4), 295-310. Philip, G. 1996. Managing workforce diversity a response to skill shortages? Journal of Health Manpower Management, 22 (6), 34 -37. Price, E. G. 2005, â€Å"The role of cultural diversity climate in recruitment, promotion, and retention of faculty in academic medicine.†Journal of general internal medicine, 20(7), 565-571. Umans, T. 2009. â€Å"Research angels on cultural diversity in top management teams.†Journal of problems and perspectives in management, 7(1), 90-101. Wetherell, M. 2008. Identity, Ethnicity, Diversity and Community Cohesion. Singapore: Sage Publications. Zanoni, P. Janssens, M. 2007. â€Å"Minority employees engaging with (diversity) management: An analysis of control, agency, and micro-em ancipation.†Journal of management studies, 44(8), 1371-1397.
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